Friday, November 07, 2008


Note 2

OK. I am twenty something, a reservoir engineer with prospects (or so I hope), and more or else have everything I need to enjoy life and be happy.

So what do I want to do next?

The ideal thing will be to step on Aurora’s shoes: sleep and sleep and sleep until a handsome, charming, reliable prince embraces me with a kiss, and I wake up a princess.

No. What nonsense. If I were a true idealist I would rave on about making the world a better place for mankind and fellow creatures. Stop global warming. Plant trees. Live more closely to the nature. Educate the ignorant. Stop the greed, stop the hatred. A world without prejudice & discrimination, amen.

Those are all good causes, but please, for once, let me be selfish on my own birthday. Let me make wishes dearest to my heart. I wish to be sure that my loved ones are sound and content. I wish to be relieved of the petty struggles and worries of everyday life. I want to live BEYOND. I want to live bravely and love without fear. I want to see more of the World. I want to die while I am living.

I want to die smiling—with no regrets. It sums up to that.
