Saturday, January 20, 2007


Jakarta bans backyard farming!

Just like Hitler’s SS on the Jewish, Jakarta govt officials will go door-to-door in a mission to seize and destroy chickens –probably before the very eyes of the owners’. I assume there will be “trials” to decide whether the chickens in question are deemed potentially responsible for future bird-flu disaster or not, but this bylaw is a chickenocide all the same. And what with the Avian Rights –that chickens, like other animal and people alike, have the equal right to live in the city? (haw haw)

I see Mr. Sutiyoso has made it a second habit to take things to the extreme. How many troops will be needed to enforce the ban? How much money to get them moving? Not to mention the not-in-the-least-cushy jobs of chicken slaughtering: what to compensate the owners? Those chickens might be their lives. And how to execute the whole bloody affair, anyway? I have this vivid imagination of Ciliwung River transformed to the cesspit of dead poultry; flowing red and emanating rot odour all the way, while the city streets are covered in white feathers. Cute.

With so many slaughtered, the price of chicken will surely soar. And -knowing Indonesia- with it perhaps every other price. But don’t let’s worry about it. Something even worse is threatening. If you believe chickens have souls, just be prepared to take back the fruits of your injustice. Yes, I’m talking about The Curse of the Chickens. Mankind, thou wilst suffer!

Bird-Flu is a serious issue. Every sensible step to prevent its outbreak and spread should be done without delay. I’m all for the fight against bird-flu –and bird-flu related folly.