Friday, May 15, 2009


This one has been talked about quite a lot already, so I’m gonna make it quick.

I don’t believe in love-at-first-sight. True, you can still gather
something about the personality from appearance only, but they are often deceiving. The so-called love-at-first-sight is mostly about liking what you see.

I went out for lunch with Mike once, and somehow we ended up talking
about love-at-first-sight. “It is not love at all; it is lust”, said I decisively. Mike, being a true Briton, laughed politely with that amused spark in his eyes, and remarked, “Why, you are being cynical, Elok”.

“And when you are telling the truth, people call you cynical”, I

“A true cynic!”, he was looking more amused than ever.

But he did not say a word against my (not-so-original) lust theory. I
left it at that.

Written with a smile of remembrance. Happy belated birthday, you blue-eyed bloke! :-)