This is for Dewa. (Hear ye, Dewa, i specifically dedicate this to you! Now buy me lunch :p)He once -and twice and thrice- said that my writings were so gloomy. A bit creepy. Positively distressing. Like i had no sunshine in my life. And what was worse- i deliberately tried to wipe off my readers' bit of sunshine, too. Now it doesn't sound so appealing. I believe he even went further as to say that my writings were responsible for some of his fits of nausea. His other fits were probably the result of my killing glance on hearing that very comment.
Oh well. He's always exaggerating; my friend Dewa. But being a sensible person, i had to take precautions of his senseless ramblings. Taking the pains to read over my own written blabber, i found out the aching truth: he was right. I hardly wrote anything fun. The bottom line of each and every writing i posted was always about my being slighted by the gender-biased society, my being annoyed by someone who expected me to be sharp, my being p*ssed off because people wouldn't listen, my pseudo-broken heart, my constant deficit in financial department, and so on and so on.
I wonder why.
Am i not content with life? Am i not a person with cheery, happy disposition? Am i not "Joy. Pure Joy." as what i took the liberty to label myself?
And even *this* is going to end up as another distressing post, i see.
Better bend it before it's too late, won't we? Think of something heart-gladdening. Like sunshine. Blue sky. Birds chirping. Breeze blowing in. Friends nearby. Liverpool winning all the matches (in MY dreams, ha ha). Jamie Aditya down on his knees proposing to me. Me lying down on the grass, staring at the sky of Hokkaido. All the books I drool on. Chocolate. Loads of chocolate.
But i gotta stop- it has grown to be a very selfish list. Let's think of something heart-gladdening, yet more beneficial to fellow mankind. Like Barack Obama becoming US president. Indonesians dropping dead when they commit corruption. People commencing war against ecological violations. Every John minor and little Siti having the much-needed education they deserve. Poverty then will be history. So will capitalism. And greed. And all evil drives.
Feeling better? I've pictured you an utopia. But to tell the truth, i am *not* feeling better. Because the very essence of an utopia is that it is unreal. And the very essence of being unreal is that it is not what you have. It might never be what you have (save for Barack Obama, coz very likely he'll be doing great with the presidency run).
And where it leads us to?
Simply that *this* is yet another disturbing writing of mine. Oh Dewa, i'm so sorry i can't be cheery. But it's just me.